I cannot believe it has taken this long to get my niece and nephews together with my "adopted" nephews. When Shannon mentioned a combined birthday party for Nolan and Madeline, I decided this would be the PERFECT opportunity.
So, yesterday we packed up Alan, Evan, and Owen and started the 167 mile journey from La Crosse to Wausau for a "cousins, but not really cousins" weekend!
If you are friends with me on Facebook, you know I like to quote the conversations I have with the kids. Here's what our 2 hours and 45 minutes sounded like:
[On Highway 16 between La Crosse and Onalaska]
OWEN: LISSA! Are we in Wausau?
ME: Nope! We're still in La Crosse.
OWEN: UGH!!! How much longer, Lissa?
ME: Almost three hours!
ME: It's like watching 6 episodes of Ninjago.
------A little bit of quiet time---------
OWEN: LISSA!!!! How much gas we got?
ME: Over a half of a tank, Owen.
OWEN: We dotta go get gas, LISSA!!!!
ME: Not yet. I think we'll make it on this tank.
OWEN: If we run outta gas Lissa, the van won't go anymore.
ME: I'll make sure that doesn't happen, okay?
OWEN: LISSA!!!! We need hot chocolate.
ME: Yep! We'll stop in Tomah.
OWEN: Does Tomah have hot chocolate?
ME: I'm pretty sure we'll find some.
OWEN: Right now?
ME: We have about twenty minutes before we get there!
ALAN: I have my wallet and it's got 22 bucks in it.
ME: Oh, really? Were you supposed to bring that along?
ALAN: Well, I brought it in case we stopped somewhere so I can buy a snack or something.
ME: I think I can cover your snacks. Save your money.
ALAN: Yeah, you have a job and I don't, so that's a good idea.
ME: We have quite a while, Owen.
------ More quiet time after the Tomah stop! -------------
ALAN: I just CAN'T WAIT to get there!!! I'm SO excited!!! And I bet they are, too!
OWEN: Where are we, Lissa?
ME: Almost to Marshfield!
OWEN: Aw, I don't like Marshfield! I wanna be in Wausau!
[A few minutes later]
ME: Marshfield!
OWEN: We already been here, Lissa!
ME: I know.
[A few minutes later]
OWEN: Where are we?
ME: Still in Marshfield!
OWEN: I really don't like Marshgarden, Lissa!
OWEN: LISSA! Your sister, with the spiky hair...
ALAN: SHANNON! Her name is Shannon!
[Side note - she doesn't have spiky hair, but... okay.]
OWEN: Does her house have a bathroom?
ME: No, they don't have any bathrooms in the house.
OWEN: Where are we gonna pee?
ME: We have to pee outside!
OWEN: In the Marshgarden???
ME: Yep!
OWEN: REALLY? Lissa, you're just joking!
EVAN: Yeah, she's joking Owen! They have bathrooms! And fireplaces!
OWEN: Do you have bathrooms at your house?
ME: Do you remember where I live, Owen? [This is a conversation we had earlier in the day. I think he forgets that I still live with them.]
OWEN: No. Where's your house, Lissa?
ME: I don't have a house, yet. I live with you. Remember?
OWEN: Oh, yeah. I forget sometimes.
------- A Very BRIEF Pause in the Conversation ------
OWEN: Lissa, how did you meet us?
ME: I met your Mom at school. She was one of my teachers.
OWEN: At school?
ME: Yep. And we traveled to Belize together a few years ago with school.
OWEN: I don't remember that! When did you meet us? Owen, Alan, and Evan?
ME: A few months after your mom and I went to Belize, I came to your house. Remember? We did some pictures and I liked you guys so much I talked your parents into letting me babysit.
EVAN: And she's the best babysitter EVER! [[I pay them to say that. Okay, no I don't.]]
ALAN: She's more than a babysitter now!
OWEN: How did you stay with us?
ME: Well, I felt bad that your basement didn't have anybody living in it, so I just decided to move in and your parents haven't kicked me out yet.
OWEN: That was a really good idea, Lissa!!!
I should probably quit blogging and feed the troops! More to come, I'm sure!
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