Thursday, April 7, 2011

Confessions of a Close-to-Graduation Senioritis Sufferer

Dear Blog,

From what I hear diaries are for losers, so that's why I've named you 'Blog'.  I hope no one ever finds this on the world wide web because I'd hate for people to know my deepest, darkest, senioritis secrets.

I didn't go to Ecology of Evolution lab today.  Nor did I go last week.  Put a fork this soon-to-be couch potato because she's DONE!  It's not that I have been sitting on my ass-ignments doing nothing.  There's a literature review that has decided not to write itself.  (Must I do EVERYTHING around here?)

Do you know what a migraine is?  Of course you don't.  You're a blog.  So, let me tell you.  First, Google "Phineas Gage" and read about his mishap.  That is a migraine.  Twice in one week I have had to go home from school, close the curtains, take Ibuprofen, and sleep off a Phineas Gage-sized migraine.  The kind of migraine that you swear is a brain tumor.  I blame the endless pile of reading, a broken pair of glasses, and maybe some allergies thrown in the mix.  No amount of Ibuprofen can even come close to the relief I will feel on May 14th!

On a positive note, I've been walking a lot outside.  Taking in the spring and thinking about how much I have to do while I'm busy walking around the neighborhood.  I am only one person and I can only do so much.  If the government would lay off the ethical issues regarding cloning, this would NOT be a problem.

I did not forget to brush my teeth this morning.  I simply chose not to.  Toothpaste and coffee don't mix.  My apologies to anyone who comes into contact with me today.

So, I came out to the truck yesterday morning to find that someone broke into it.  They stole a soda, I think.  Nothing else was missing, but they went through everything.  Piece of crap loser.  It's a damn good thing this senior was in a coma.  If I would have caught the scum sucker who had the nerve to mess with my stash of sugar in a can, I would showed them what it looks like to open a can of whoop ass!  I may only be 5'2", but I got some Irish in me.  (And they don't call me "Zelda" for nothing!!!) 

On another positive note, I signed the lease for my new apartment.  I haven't seen it yet.  I'm picturing dark paneling on the walls and orange shag carpet.  Picture the worst and be surprised.  That's my motto. 

Well, I must leave now to go tour an animal research facility.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.
 I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.  I will behave myself.

-The Seventh Year Senior

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