Tuesday, October 5, 2010

101 Things to Smile About

A little exercise to help the senioritis!!!  This is my list of 101 things to smile about!  I challenge you to make your own.

1. Barnes & Noble has free wi-fi and they don't care how long you sit there and use it.
2. iTunes free download every Tuesday!!
3. Free pizza buffet at Pizza Doctors on your birthday.
4. Java Detour's lid stickers they put on their hot beverages!
5. Volunteering for hospice.
6. My guitar has new strings.
7. Cotton Candy Ice Cream
8. Raspberry Mochas
9. Sunday afternoons
10. Watching Andy Griffith reruns with Grandpa.
11. "I'm gonna marry Aunt Kiki." - Nolan (age 3)
12. Thanksgiving.
13. Flintstone Vitamins!
14. Spell check.
15. Diet Coke
16. Warm blankets!
17. The changing of the leaves in fall.
18. Babies.
19. Clean laundry.
20. Washing dishes.
21. Christmas
22. The first snowfall.
23. The last snowfall.
24. Spring break.
25. Free movie rentals on your birthday at Family Video
26. Death by Chocolate at 2510
27. A long walk.
28. Karen in Franny's!!!
29. A text just to say "Hi"
30. Snail Mail that doesn't have a bill inside of it.
31. New hobbies!
32. Olive Garden's salad & bread sticks!
33. Vitamin D in the form of Sunshine.
34. Electricity
35. A valid passport!
36. Halloween candy
37. Peanut Butter!!!
38. Lori McKenna's new album is coming out in November!
39. Travis Tritt's "It's a Great Day to Be Alive"
40. Ping Pong
41. Kieffer Sutherland! :-)
42. Haircuts
43. Car rides!
44. Hot showers!
45. YouTube
46. Talking to Mom on the phone about nothing in particular.
47. Free books to borrow at the Public Library!!!
48. eBay!
49. Hula Hoops!
50. Finding someone on Facebook you haven't seen in ages!!!!
51. The snooze button!!
52. Ellen
53. Hayrides
54. Sleigh rides
55. Bike rides
56. Rainbows
57. Wikipedia
58. Slumber parties with the niece and nephews!!
59. Fortune cookies!!
60. Junk mail folders to collect all the spam! :-)
61. Super Bowl commercials!
62. Fog machines!!
63. Aunt Kathy & Shannon's mittens!
64. Jodi Picoult books on rainy days!
65. Harry Potter 7 in theaters NEXT MONTH!
66. iTunes playlists!!
67. Summer vacation!
68. Blackberry picking!
69. Brand new notebooks!
70. Finding a good, high quality ball point pen!
71. Candles
72. Pawn America
73. Homemade strawberry jam!!
74. Craft Weekend in Three Lakes!!!!
75. Photography!
76. Orange juice!!
77. Balloons!!
78. Adam Sandler's "Lunch Lady Land"
79. Rock candy!
80. Ferris wheels!
81. E-mail!
82. Clearance racks!
83. Home videos!
84. Cutting your own Christmas tree
85. Board Games
86. Wausau Festival of Arts
87. Chick Flicks!
88. Caramel Apple Cider
89. Sunscreen
90. Farmer's Markets!
91. Target's $1 bins!
92. Finding lost dogs!
93. M&Ms
94. Live Music!
95. Handmade gifts!
96. Writing!!!!!!!!!!!!
97. Sharpies!
98. Old photographs and family photo albums!
99. Going Home!
100. Long weekends
101. 73 days until Finals are DONE!

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